Monday, June 16, 2014

Too Many to Count

So many blessings - too many to count.

It's been awhile since my last post.  In that time, we've celebrated two major holidays - Mother's Day and Father's Day.  Maybe these days were created by the greeting card companies like Hallmark, but to me, they are major.  We should honor the mothers and fathers in our lives every day, but life gets in the way.  We get busy, we forget to call.  At least these holidays make us pause and remember those who've played such major roles in our lives.  My mother and father are wonderful and I love them so much.  I am so grateful for all they've given me - my very existence, my childhood memories, and love.  And there's my in-laws, who did the same for my husband, the father of my own children.  Because of them, I have the most wonderful husband and my children have the most wonderful father and I have wonderful in-laws.  In my blessings, these are my greatest:  my parents, my in-laws, my husband and my children.  My children.  The gift that keeps on giving.  The lights of my life.  I hope each of these blessings realize how important they are to me.

And then there are the other blessings - my extended family.  Nieces, nephews, sisters and brothers-in law, aunts, uncles, and friends.  Each brings light and love into an already full existence.  My new job.  My co-workers.  I have a new co-worker who is going out of her way to help me be successful.  I try to thank her so she knows how much I appreciate her help.  My new bosses who have made me feel so welcome to the family that is their livelihood.

And as I sit here typing, I look at my garden and I'm thankful for the beauty that is my flowers and herbs.  The smell, the taste and the beauty.  I watch the water sparkling in the pool and I'm grateful for the blessing of the cool water on my skin on a hot day.  I look at my home and I'm grateful for the comfort and beauty that surrounds me.  A home filled with love and so much laughter.

And I'm grateful for a God that loves me and listens when I speak.  A God that reminds me that I am here to serve and that my job is to bring joy to this little corner of my world.  You see, in my younger days, I ruminated on "my purpose in life".  I wondered why others ran companies or became famous or did "great" things and I had no real definition of what it was that I was supposed to do.  And then one day, through prayer and meditation, I realized that greatness is not the same as fame or fortune.  That greatness is living to your own potential.  And that my greatness was in being myself and bringing my limitless joy and love to those around me.  What a blessing to realize that you are enough.  That doing what you love, and loving where you are, is the example you are supposed to set.  God whispered to me long ago that I am a healer. No, I do not lay hands on the sick and cure their illnesses, but I am a friend and a mother, a co-worker, a daughter - so many things.  And through each of these, I can lend an ear or a hand.  I can help to rebuild what has been broken.  I can offer a hug.  I can relax you through Reiki or through a facial.  I can bring you peace through my hands and my heart.  What greater blessing is there?

When life is at it's worst, remember to look at your blessings.  Look with new eyes.  House a mess?  You are blessed with stuff.  Horrible job?  You are blessed with a job and knowing that you want something else.  The blessing is in discovering there is something else and having the strength and fortitude to pursue other avenues.  An illness?  I don't know where this blessing will lie - it is for you to discover. 

Just remember to look for the blessings.  They are there.  Hidden in sorrow.  Hidden in overwhelming situations.  Right there in the joyful times - out in the open, right there for you to see.  Stop and smell the roses.  Even that ability is a blessing.  Enjoy it, savor it.  Keep it in your memory bank for the hard times.  Just look for your blessings.  They're there.  Everywhere.  Be thankful for them - all of them.  The big and the small.

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